Source: Ruth Lewandowski Wines
Who is Ruth? Contrary to who most people imagine Ruth to be, she is not my mother, nor my grandmother, but my favorite book in the Bible. Without sounding 'preachy', and in the interest of concisely summing things up, there is no better depiction of death and redemption than the book of Ruth. Much of my philosophy of farming and, in turn, winemaking is derived from this cycle of death and redemption.
Death is, indeed, the engine of life.
Nothing that is alive today could be so without something having died first. This is the nature of our universe, of our planet, of our soils, and ultimately you and I. The labels for all three wines are likely making a bit more sense now, the death of each animal and the life springing forth from it.
Why "Natural Wine"? Natural wine is the true expression of the land by way of a grapevine.
Why Utah? The soils here are varied and pretty amazing...pebbly, cobbly, rocky...sandstone, limestone, shale! Many places are absolutely perfect for the cultivation of extremely high quality winegrapes. The same can be said for our climate here in Utah (political climate aside...). I'm one million percent certain that world-class wine will one day be grown here. It's a matter of time. If I don't do it, someone else will.