Source: Pax Wine Cellars
We believe that great wines can only be made from great vineyards. This belief guides our decisions when choosing to work with any vineyard. For every vineyard we work with, there are 20 other vineyards that didn’t make the grade. Location, soil, exposition, dedicated growers, plant material and sustainability are all important factors that affect our decision.
Once the vineyards are sourced, it is our job to maintain the health of the vines in a balanced and sustainable fashion. We believe that farming in balance with nature is the only way to allow the grapes to express themselves properly. Sustainable farming practices are key; vine-by-vine farming is essential, and a less-is-more approach to irrigation, soil amendments and applications empower the vines to exist on their own rather than through our engagement.
Our goal with the vineyards we have chosen to work with is simple. Harvest healthy grapes that are ripe, with balanced acids and sugars, which require no additions from us in the winery.
Our commitment to these vineyards is to learn from them every year, to make improvements in how we handle the fruit in order for it to express its uniqueness, and most importantly how we handle the growing vines, year after year, to enable them to do just that.