Source: Chateau Gravas
Bordeaux, France
The name "Gravas" comes from "graves", a gravelly soil that perfectly suits the production of Sauternes wines. The estate is superbly located in Barsac between Chateau Coutet, Chateau Climesn and Chateau Doisy-Daene.
Chateau Gravas was founde din 1789 and has been in the Bernard family for five generations. It is currently owned by Michel and Florence Bernard.
There are 8 hectares of vineyard for the production of Sauternes. The soil is a mix of clay, sand and limestone. The 60 year-old vines are harvested by hand: the grapes are picked in successive passes. The wine is aged in both French and American oak barrels. There are 5 villages in Sauternes: Preignac, Barsac, Fargues, Bommes and Sauternes.
What makes Sauternes so unique is the Ciron River that runs in the middle of the AOC. The Ciron is responsible for the heavy morning fog that is quite essential to the devlopment of the Botrytis, bringing some light humidity to the vineyards.