Source: PortoVino
FUSO is PortoVino’s project to search for and bottle the best of Italy’s groovy daily drinkers – the wines you’d find in a memorable local trattoria or wine bar.
Italians have a long DIY tradition of filling up big glass jug damigiana from their favorite producer and storing it in the garage or cellar, to siphon off a bottle or carafe when needed for lunch or dinner. Real producers on label, native grapes (no Cabernet filler), low sulphur, practicing organic or certified organic, and native yeasts except for our sparkling Prosecco Flora. No tank farms or shitty industrial wines.
These are daily-drinkers with character: a touch vinous, and lots of deliciousness. Drink them by themselves, or to sip away with some olives. Of course, they are happy on your dinner table too. What you don’t drink (white or red), throw in the fridge and bring out the next night.We find the reds with a slight cellar temperature chill give an extra degree of glou glou.