Chablis, France
Refelcting the authenticity of our terroirs.
The men and women at the domaine are primarily natives of the region and most have worked here for many years.
From the vineyards to the cellars, they work with rigor, dedication and skill in order to produce outstanding Chablis wines.
The bicentenary Domaine Billaud-Simon nurtures and cultivates vineyards of exceptional quality planted mainly with old vines with an average age of 50 years that have been carefully tended to and preserved over time. The grapes are left to ripen slowly as patience is the key at Domaine Billaud-Simon.
We cultivate our vineyards with passion, tradition and the utmost respect for the environment in order to reflect the unique personalities of our terroirs. We strive to preserve the quality of our vines and future grapes and are committed to using viticultural practices that meet that nature's needs.
The quality of our vineyards as well as close attention to the harvest dates, which are usually quite late at the Domaine, result in rich and concentrated Chablis wines of exceptional quality.